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Updated: Nov 28, 2022

Generalizations don't apply here.

I read a lot. I'm an information junkie. I've been analyzing people's behavior and myself since forever, and have studied it since college. I want to read your mind, my mind, and control the universe. Just kidding! I want to understand how to get the best out of ourselves so that we can positively impact the world and each other. What trips me up most of the time is generalizations when I forget I'm interested in the exceptions.

When we make assumptions based on what anything means about "most" people, we are settling for "average" as the expectation for ourselves. But if we give ourselves permission to challenge what is true for the majority, we are free to explore what is possible for ourselves.

No one is going to be more invested in getting to know you and your abilities so you have to learn to depend on and trust yourself.

When you're carving your own path in life generalizations don't apply so before you succumb to self-doubt elicited by someone or something telling you about what is common, ask yourself if you are willing to stand out from the norm and then respond THAT'S NOT ME.

You are not most people so get comfortable thinking of yourself as the minority and keep your head in the game.

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