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Updated: Nov 28, 2022

When is your hard too hard?

We all make things extra challenging for others from time to time but here are five ways we don't 'fight' fair when we're having a bad day:

We change the rules without warning: When we're super irritable, things that don't normally bother us can set us off. Try to remember that people around you don't know there's a new boss in town who suddenly considers using crushed instead of regular ice a major violation.

Our expectations are too high: It might seem like everyone should know they need to pitch in a little more than usual because we don't have the capacity to deal with our emotions and the dirty dishes we left in the sink but it's unrealistic to expect, even the people who know us best, to read our minds.

We penalize people for past mistakes: Is there anything more satisfying than reminding someone that they are not perfect when you're feeling like sh*t? Maybe not, but it's a low blow. And after the attack, you'll be left feeling like a real loser.

We react instead of respond: Hold that thought. When we're having trouble regulating our emotions there seems to be an urgency to get thoughts out of our head and on to an unsuspecting victim. Try to remember that if it is important, it will still be important after you've had time to compose yourself and properly address the feeling.

We don't communicate at all: It can seem like the best solution for a bad mood is to shut all systems down. But if you're really struggling and you can't seem to reign it in, don't leave your opponents in the dark. It's good form to let them know what level you're playing on so they can exit the game before losing the battle.

When I tell my family I'm about to "lose my shit", they know they have the option to accept the match or forfeit the game.

Let the fun begin...

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